Friday, February 29, 2008
The Making of the Strong Fat Man, Part One
Part One: Diet
Big guys are at a tremendous advantage when they decide they want to become a monster at iron moving. Pencil necks have a problem because they need to gain mass, and they have all the vagaries associated with eating a shit ton for the first time, eating the right type of shit ton, and working from square one with muscles that are unused to moving anything other than their piddly 140lb frame.
Great website, by the way.
Fat guys on the other hand, already consume lots of calories. So the ingredients to build muscle are already part of their daily regimen. Also, since they are big their muscles are already preconditioned to larger amounts of strain from moving them around doing fun fat guy things like drinking way more beer than me and embarrassing me with insane choke holds.
Points for?
Lots of calories already present in diet
Already has strong tendons, bones, musculature
Points against?
Need to change where they are getting their calories
Need to combat crushing I'll just sit on the couch syndrome
The first key here is to change the diet by moving away from empty calories and carbohydrates in mass quantities. The good thing is here is the fat man doesn't need to eat less, he just needs to eat different. This is good news to the fat man because, like all men he enjoys to eat. Empty calories and sugar needs to be almost completely eliminated and instead substituted with an absolutely insane quantity of protein. Zoidberg suggests at the beginning of the week, the fat man bake himself 4 or 5 lbs of chicken breasts, cover them with some sort of low-cal sauce (mustards, lemon-pepper, etc.) and stick it in the fridge.
Every time the fat man feels his stomach a-growling, rather than eating chips, pretzels, sweets or other carb-heavy stuff he simply grabs a hunk of chicken and eat it. It is much better for you, and it feeds your muscles. Plus, you'll be eating more animals, something I heartily endorse. You can achieve the same goal by baking/grilling a mass quantity of turkey burgers and lean beef or pork.
The key here is to have these meats available. Notice how I am not condoning the fat man stop eating, or eat less. Just eat different. This is far easier, much more fun (the animals thing), and in the long run healthier. You'll find yourself losing weight from the sheer benefit of the fact that you'll be consuming far more of your calories through protein, rather than fat and carbs.
Also, follow this general rule:
Fats and Proteins = yes!
Protein and Carbs = yes!
Carbs and Fats = no!
So let me summarize Part One, Mission Powerlifting Fat Man of Strength - The diet.
1) Cut out carbs as best you can. No pretzels, chips, breads, white pasta (whole wheat if you can), white rice.
2) No fucking sugar other than booze. Yeah yeah booze has 7 calories per gram, but I am trying to meet people half-way here. A life without beer is not a fun life. But you can definitely cut out sugar as a compromise. Drink Diet soda, the aspartame scare is a goddamn lie.
3) Make a shit ton of meat and keep it in your fridge. Eat that stuff whenever you get hungry rather than resulting to the typical snack. Meat, meat, meat! I recommend a Costco Membership and a big oven. It helps if you aren't a vegetarian. But if you are, you don't belong on my blog.
Coming Soon: Part Two - The Workout of Undeniable Awesomeness.
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What do you think about this crap -
Met-Rx - RTD 51 Ready to Drinks
Would it assist with the muskls growth so as to put a meaner wrenching on thy neck?
If not I assume you will waste a few hours of the the governments money writing another blog entry as to why it is the worst shit ever.
I will stay tuned.. . . you needa get on it w/ making those happen
Oh little blog, we had such high hopes for you. Rest easy in your dotage.
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