Monday, May 5, 2008

Foxfield, A Timeline

O dark thirty: Alarm , Zoids showers and decides purple will be flamboyant color of choice.

O dark thirty-six: Completely ready. Mrs. Zoids spends next 20 minutes re-packing her titanic suitcase. We will be out of town for maybe 36 hours.

7:30am: Arrive at Jericho Kane's to pick him and his girlfriend up.

7:40am: Departure

8:30am: Stop 1

9:10am: Stop 2

9:40am: Stop 3

10:10am: We hit "the line" on Barracks Road perhaps 2 miles from the gate. Not bad. Spirits are high, bladders are higher even though we stopped. Three times.

10:30am: Gates are apparently open, although you wouldn't guess that from our non existent pace.

10:50am: Mrs. Zoids informs us that her mission is critical, so to speak. A girl in the SUV behind us decides that her mission is even more critical, and proceeds to take pee against her own car, in the open, in front of a giant line of cars, and before anyone really drinking starts. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.

11:40am: Everyone in the car is ready to explode out of anger, Mrs. Zoids has died from renal failure, and I have ripped the roof off the car and flung it across the road like a frisbee.

11:56am: Bloody Mary

12:02pm: 1st Masonic

12:08pm - 4:18pm: Time Travel

4:19pm: Hurricane Katrina Arrives at Foxfield

5:32pm: Jericho becomes man-zombie for the rest of the evening, only waking to eat an entire fucking pizza before slipping back into the darkness.

5:38pm-9:04pm: Time travel

9:15pm: Aforementioned pizza

Then it became Sunday. Probably through time travel again.

Anyway, the drink of choice was the Masonic, something Zoids became familiar with at the hip and overpriced yet still enjoyable restaurant Liberty Tavern. With a structure similar to a mint julep, it's a fine bourbon beverage that has the all important trait of being able to sustain its piquant nature through the day. We had to make up the ratio, so our recipe is reproduced below:

2 parts water
2 parts bourbon
Juice of 1/2 squeezed lemon

Now, contrary to Jericho Kane, the recipe calls for still water, though you can substitutes soda water for extra zing. Take the bourbon, mint, and lemon juice and muddle it together in shaker. Depending on the carbonation of your water, either shake with some ice, or shake with the water and ice.

Serve into jar, consume 12, and time travel.


Anonymous said...

zoid, take a shower, you stink

Anonymous said...

hey the public, probably just me, wants another post. i need more reading material at work.

Unknown said...

So it's been over a year. What the fuck zoid.